Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Book recommendation

About the same I started this blog, I began reading every book I could find on singleness from a Christian perspective; I wanted to know what was already out there. I've probably read close to 15 books by now. Some of them were just good, some great. But, my favorite by far is the one I've read most recently. Wendy Widder has written several books on the topic of singleness, including a book on singles and the church that I can't wait to read! The book I've just finished is Living Whole Without a Better Half. First of all, the title struck me. It's simple but clear. Each chapter looks at a character in Scripture and relates particular experiences in their lives to aspects of being single. Like the title, her writing is simple and clear; no muss, no fuss, just truth. Here's a quote I read today:

“Pain puts us in a vulnerable position before God, allowing us to know Him in more intimate ways. It opens the door for personal growth and character shaping. All of those are desired outcomes of my life, and I hope for your life, too. I don’t like the route that’s required to get there, but I wouldn’t trade the results. Pain, however, doesn’t automatically produce spiritual growth in my life. It’s not a pill I swallow and wait for the healing to begin. Painful circumstances place me at the point of decision. I can choose to fight my way through God’s pain, writhing and straining at every turn of events, or I can choose to submit to His divine direction” (Widder, pg. 50).

After I was only a few chapters in, I wanted to learn more about Wendy. She wrote the book over 10 years ago, and I was curious to see if she was still single (she still is and is in her mid 40's). I was astounded to learn that she is an adjunct professor at Cornerstone University where I worked for almost 4 years and got my master's degree! What a small world. I wrote her a note, informing her of our connection, and she wrote a very kind note in response. :)


  1. Anna, I'm sure you could relate to that quote! Even thought the book is on singleness, I think it would be an awesome book for you to read; there is so much more in it that just singleness, which is part of the reason why I love it. She doesn't treat singleness like it's the only thing that impacts our lives; it's just one part of who we are.
